Friday, August 29, 2014

ACA Market Stall

Here is some caricatures I did at the Top Ryde Market.


Birthday Invite

A friend of mine is have a Superhero themed Birthday party.
Here is the invite I worked on for her.
It was fun.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Melbourne Oz Comic Con

Been a bit tardy with the updates of late.
Here is a selection of caricatures I did back in July at Melbourne Oz Comic Con.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sydney Supanova

Sydney Supanova was great. I had a lot of fun drawing people and catching up with friends. Here is some of the caricatures.

Ardella Cosplay even stopped by and picked up prints of the drawings I did of her.

I also drew a Spiderman picture. I was inspired from seeing Stan Lee.

Telstra Thanks a million

Recently did a gig for Telstra in Melbourne drawing staff calling customers to thank them.
It was fun and a very positive atmosphere to draw.